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Benefits of Raindrop Massage


Not many people are familiar with what Raindrop Massage Therapy is or the benefits is comprises. Raindrop Massage is one of our favorites here at Healing Solutions Inc, as it holds so many holistic benefits and provides you with an opportunity to learn more about essential oils!

What is Raindrop Therapy?

In the late 1980s a gentleman by the name of D. Gary Young (the founder of Young Living essential oils) developed this technique using essential oils. The technique utilizes several holistic modalities that allow the massage therapist to help restore balance and alignment in their patients’ body in a noninvasive manner. During the session, essential oils are dropped about six inches from the skin (giving this therapy its name) along the spine, neck and feet. This process is combined with reflexology and massage techniques in order to create a gentle experience to the body, inviting it to release and restore.

What essential oils are used?

  • Valor (blend): cleanses the energy field, aligns and balances

  • Oregano: attacks viruses and bacteria

  • Thyme: attacks viruses and bacteria

  • Basil: antispasmodic, headache relief

  • Cypress: increases circulation

  • Wintergreen: anti-inflammatory/ antispasmodic, analgesic (pain reliever)

  • Marjoram: relaxes musculature, lowers blood pressure

  • Peppermint: antispasmodic, assists in absorption of other oils

  • Aroma Siez (blend): relaxing and soothing

What are the benefits?

There are so many benefits to receiving Raindrop Therapy! Here are some:

  • Restored balance and realignment of energy to center the body

  • The combination of aromatherapy, reflexology, and gentle massage allows for electrical and structural realignment in the body. Valor in specific, assists most in realigning the body.

  • Non-Invasive

  • The energy is opened up within the body allowing it to restore itself rather than being forced back into alignment

  • Stress and Anxiety Relief

  • The essential oils together enhance positivity, while reducing negative emotions stored in your cells. The effects are known to last long after the therapy is complete!

  • Assists the body in its natural response to injury and irritation

  • Some of the essential oils, including Thyme and Oregano, are strong antioxidants, helping the body to rid itself of toxins and supporting the immune, respiratory, nervous, and other body functions!

  • Eases muscle, bone, and joint discomfort

  • Basil, Wintergreen, Marjoram, Cypress, and Peppermint are all known to reduce tension in your muscles. Wintergreen also supports healthy bone structure. If you have sore muscles, or are experiencing muscle spasms, you will benefit greatly from a Raindrop massage!

  • Immune System Improvement

  • As previously stated Thyme and Oregano support the immune system with their strong antioxidant properties that help the body to excrete toxins. Therefore raindrop massage contributes to your overall health and well being.

  • Emotional well being and release

  • Did you know you store your emotions in the limbic system? Well the essential oils cross the blood-brain barrier affecting the limbic system, thus helping the body to release negative emotion making more room for positivity.

  • Detoxing the Body

  • The essential oils used actually cleanse cellular receptor sites and enhance overall cleansing of the body as they are high in phenols.

  • Height increase

  • Most people who receive raindrop therapy leave with a slight increase in height. This is attributed to the realignment of the spine and detoxification along the spinal column!

As you can gather, Raindrop Massage Therapy is a technique created to bring you and your body back to balance. It is a gentle way of realigning the body and restoring harmony within the whole self; mentally, physically, and emotionally. It is a simple step you can work into your wellness routine in order to keep your body happy, healthy, and loved! With Valentine’s Day a few days away consider booking a self-loving Raindrop Massage, it is important to remember self-care and making time to show yourself love and appreciation. A Raindrop massage will help you restore balance, remember the importance of self-love, and provide you with the ability to hold space for your loved one, as well as spread love to those that matter most to you! You could also choose to give that special someone the best gift this year, one that will improve their whole self, really showing them how much you care! Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have regarding Raindrop technique or any of our other services.

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